Amadis or Amadis de Gaule (Amadis of Gaul) is a tragédie en musique in a prologue and five acts by Jean-Baptiste Lully to a libretto by Philippe Quinault based on Nicolas Herberay des Essarts' adaptation of Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo's Amadis de Gaula. It was premiered by the Paris Opera at the Théâtre du Palais-Royal sometime from January 15 to 18, 1684. There was a later production at Versailles without scenery or machines in 1685.

Librettist Philippe Quinault (based on Nicolas Herberay des Essarts' adaptation of Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo's Amadis de Gaula)
Premiered January 1684 (Théâtre du Palais-Royal)
Type Tragédie en musique (Musical Tragedy)
Catalogue LWV 63
Spoken language French
Instruments Chorus/Choir - Followers, knights, soldiers, demons, nymphs, shepherds and shepherdesses, captives and gaolers, enchanted heroes and heroines etc.
Voice (Baritone) - Alquif, sorcerer, husband of Urgande (prologue)
Voice (Soprano) - Urgande, sorceress, wife of Alquif (prologue)
Voice (Haute-contre) - Amadis, son of King Perion of Gaul
Voice (Soprano) - Oriane, daughter of King Lisuart of Britain
Voice (Baritone) - Florestan, illegitimate son of King Perion
Voice (Soprano) - Corisande, Florestan's beloved, ruler of Gravesande
Voice (Soprano) - Arcabonne, sorceress, sister of Arcalaus and Ardan Canile
Voice (Baritone) - Arcalaüs, sorcerer knight and brother of Ardan Canile and Arcabonne
Voice (Baritone) - Ghost of Ardan Canile
Autotranslations beta Jean-Baptiste Lully: Amadis, LWV 63 "Amadis de Gaule (Amadis of Gaul)"
Jean-Baptiste Lully: Amadis, LWV 63 "Amadis de Gaule (Amadis of Gaul)"
Jean-Baptiste Lully: Amadis, LWV 63 "Amadis de Gaule (Amadis of Gaul)"