The Well-Tempered Clavier, BWV 846–893, is a collection of two series of Preludes and Fugues in all 24 major and minor keys, composed for solo keyboard by Johann Sebastian Bach. In the German of Bach's time Clavier (keyboard) was a generic name indicating a variety of keyboard instruments, most typically a harpsichord or clavichord – but not excluding an organ either.

Date of composition 1722
First published 1801
Type Preludes and Fugues
Tonality F-sharp Major
Catalogue BWV 858
Instruments Clavichord
Autotranslations beta Jean-Sébastien Bach: Prelude and Fugue en fa dièse majeur, BWV 858
Johann Sebastian Bach: Prelude and Fugue in fa diesis maggiore, BWV 858
Johann Sebastian Bach: Prelude and Fugue Fis-dur, BWV 858