It is thought that this mass was performed in the University of Salzburg's Kollegienkirche (de) to open a forty-hour vigil. As a Lenten mass, it is likely that the Gloria could not have been performed on this occasion, and would have been composed for subsequent use. This is Mozart's shortest setting of the Order of Mass, and his only missa brevis set in a minor key.

Date of composition 1769
Type Mass
Tonality D Minor
Catalogue KV 65
Instruments Voice (Soprano)
Voice (Alto)
Voice (Tenor)
Voice (Bass)
Chorus/Choir - Mixed Chorus ;
String Orchestra
Autotranslations beta Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Missa brevis en ré mineur, KV 65
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Missa brevis in re minore, KV 65
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Missa brevis d-moll, KV 65