The Symphony of Psalms is a three-movement choral symphony composed by Igor Stravinsky in 1930 during his neoclassical period. The work was commissioned by Serge Koussevitzky to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The symphony derives its name from the use of Psalm texts in the choral parts.

Librettist (First movement are based on Psalm 38. Second movement are based on Psalm 40. Third movement are based on Psalm 150)
Date of composition 1930 (Revised in 1948) in Nice, France
Premiered 1930, December 13th in Brussels, Belgium
Dedicated to Boston Symphony Orchestra
Type Choral Symphony
Spoken language Latin
Instruments Chorus/Choir
Piano - Duet ;
Autotranslations beta Igor Stravinsky: Symphony of Psalms
Igor' Fëdorovič Stravinskij: Symphony of Psalms
Igor Strawinsky: Symphony of Psalms