The full Russian name of the piece is: Ба́йка про лису́, петуха́, кота́, да барана́. Весё́лое представле́ние с пе́нием и му́зыкой – (Bayka pro lisu, petukha, kota da barana. Vesyoloe predstavlenie s peniem i muzykoi – The Fable of the Vixen, the Cock, the Cat and the Ram. A burlesque for the stage with singing and music).

Original Name Renard, Histoire burlesque chantée et jouée
Librettist Alexander Afanasyev (Based on Russian folk tales)
Date of composition 1916
Premiered 1922, May 18th (Opéra de Paris) in Paris, France
First published 1917 in Geneva, Switzerland
Dedicated to Très respectueusement dédié a Madame la Princesse Edmond de Polignac
Type Opéra-Ballet
Approx. duration 20 minutes
Spoken language Russian
Instruments Chamber orchestra
Voice (Tenor) - Cock
Voice (Tenor) - Reynard the Fox
Voice (Bass) - Cat
Voice (Bass) - Ram
Autotranslations beta Igor Stravinsky: The Fox: burlesque tale sung and played
Igor' Fëdorovič Stravinskij: The Fox: burlesque tale sung and played
Igor Strawinsky: The Fox: burlesque tale sung and played