In 1857 the 17 then known songs were collected for publication by Julian Fontana as Op. 74, but they were not arranged in chronological order of composition within that opus. Due to censorship restrictions, he was only able to publish 16 of them initially. These appeared in Warsaw as Zbiór śpiewów polskich Fryderyka Chopina (A Collection of Polish Songs by Frédéric Chopin), published by Gebethner & Wolff; and in Berlin as 16 Polnische Lieder, published by A M Schlesinger. The 17th song, Śpiew z mogiłki (Hymn from the Tomb) was published separately in Berlin with a French title, Chant du tombeau.

Date of composition (1829-1847)
Type Song(s)
Catalogue Op. 74
Instruments Voice
Arrangements Franz Liszt: 6 Polish Songs, S. 480
Autotranslations beta Frédéric Chopin: Polish Songs, Op. 74
Fryderyk Chopin: Polish Songs, Op. 74
Frédéric Chopin: Polish Songs, Op. 74