Bach wrote the cantata in his first year in Leipzig, which he had started after Trinity of 1723, for the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity. The prescribed readings for the Sunday were from the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, the ministry of the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:4–11), and from the Gospel of Mark, the healing of a deaf mute man (Mark 7:31–37). The unknown poet referred to the gospel, but saw in the healing more generally God constantly doing good for man. The opening chorus is therefore taken from Psalms 103:2, "Praise the Lord, my soul, and do not forget the good He has done for you". The poetry refers to "telling" several times, related to the healed man's ability to speak: "Ah, that I had a thousand tongues!" (movement 2), "My soul, arise! tell" (movement 3) and "My mouth is weak, my tongue mute to speak Your praise and honor" (movement 4). Several movements rely on words of a cantata by Johann Oswald Knauer, published in 1720 in Gott-geheiligtes Singen und Spielen des Friedensteinischen Zions in Gotha. The closing chorale picks up the theme in the sixth verse of Samuel Rodigast's hymn "Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan" (What God does, is done well) (1675).

Original Name Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele
Date of composition 1748 (1742–48)
Premiered 1748, August 26th in Leipzig, Germany
First published 1868 (BGA)
Type Secular Cantata
Tonality D Major
Catalogue BWV 69
Spoken language German
Arrangement of Johann Sebastian Bach: Praise the Lord, my soul in D major, BWV 69a
Instruments 4x Voice
Autotranslations beta Jean-Sébastien Bach: Praise the Lord, O my soul en ré majeur, BWV 69
Johann Sebastian Bach: Praise the Lord, O my soul in re maggiore, BWV 69
Johann Sebastian Bach: Praise the Lord, O my soul D-dur, BWV 69