The Piano Concerto in F sharp minor, Op. 20, is an early work of the Russian composer Alexander Scriabin (1872–1915). Written in 1896, when he was 24, it was his first work for orchestra and the only concerto he composed. Scriabin completed the concerto in only a few days in the fall of 1896, but did not finish the orchestration until the following May. It premiered on October 23, 1897.

Date of composition 1896
Premiered 1897, October 23rd in Moscow, Russia by Alexander Scriabin
First published 1898 in Leipzig, Germany
Type Concerto
Tonality F-sharp Minor
Catalogue Op. 20
Approx. duration 28 minutes
Instruments Orchestra
Autotranslations beta Alexandre Scriabine: Concerto pour piano en fa dièse mineur, Op. 20
Aleksandr Nikolaevič Skrjabin: Concerto per pianoforte in fa diesis minore, Op. 20
Alexander Nikolajewitsch Skrjabin: Konzert für Klavier fis-moll, Op. 20