
Viktor Tretyakov & Yuri Bashmet play Bruch Double Concerto - video 1985

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Usual Name Max Bruch
Alternative Spellings Max Christian Friedrich Bruch, M. Bruch, Max Karl August Bruch
On Wikipedia Max_Bruch
Ensembles Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra from 1880 to 1883
Dedicated pieces Robert Schumann: Impromptus on a Theme of Clara Wieck, Op. 5
Links RISM personVIAFGND


Title Subname Catalogue Key Year Type
Violin Concerto #1 Op. 26 G Minor 1866 Concerto
Scottish Fantasy Op. 46 E-flat Minor 1880 Fantasy (Fantasia)
Symphonies Op. 28

Viktor Tretyakov & Yuri Bashmet play Bruch Double Concerto - video 1985

Viktor Tretyakov and Yuri Bashmet playing Max Bruch's Double Concerto for Violin and Viola in E minor, op. 88, with the Moscow Radio SO under Vladimir Fedoseyev, live in 1985. This was the first performance of the work in Russia. The concert was played in memory of Vadim Borisovsky. Виктор Третьяков - Юрий Башмет - Макс Брух - Владимир Федосеев

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