D 84, Singspiel Des Teufels Lustschloß for three sopranos, two tenors, three basses, one spoken role, mixed choir and orchestra (1814, in three acts: Overture and twenty-three numbers; 2 versions; NSA also appends three discarded numbers: No. 13 from the 1st version and Nos. 7 and 23 from the 2nd version, in addition to a fragment of an orchestral postlude)

Original Name Der vierjährige Posten
Librettist Theodor Körner
Date of composition 1815
First published 1888
Type Singspiel
Catalogue D 190
Spoken language German
Instruments Voice (Soprano)
3x Voice (Tenor)
Voice (Bass)
Narrator, Recitant, Speaker
Chorus/Choir - Mixed Chorus ;
Autotranslations beta Franz Schubert: The Four-Year Post, D 190
Franz Schubert: The Four-Year Post, D 190
Franz Schubert: The Four-Year Post, D 190