The piece shows the influence of Johann Schobert and French church music. It is based upon a French song. The piece is about nine minutes long. The manuscript shows that Mozart's father edited the piece. In the piece, the alto voice is supported by the first violin, the soprano by the second, the viola reinforces the tenor and occasionally the alto. At times, the first violin unites with the canto, in order that the leading highest part may stand out more clearly. The support of the alto voice by the highest stringed instrument, mostly in the higher octave, makes the alto stand out clearly in the harmony against the soprano.

Date of composition 1766 (June 12) in Paris, France
Type Mass
Tonality F Major
Catalogue KV 33
Instruments Chorus/Choir
String Orchestra
Autotranslations beta Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Kyrie en fa majeur, KV 33
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Kyrie in fa maggiore, KV 33
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Kyrie F-dur, KV 33