Ave Maria (Hail Mary), WAB 6, is a sacred motet by Anton Bruckner, a setting of the Latin prayer Ave Maria. He composed it in Linz in 1861 and scored the short work in F major for seven unaccompanied voices. The piece, sometimes named an Offertorium, was published in Vienna in 1867. Before, Bruckner composed the same prayer in 1856 for soprano, alto, a four-part mixed choir, organ and cello, WAB 5. Later, he set the text in 1882 for a solo voice (alto) and keyboard (organ, piano or harmonium), WAB 7.

Date of composition 1882
First published 1927, Anton Böhm & Sohn in Vienna, Austria
Type Ave Maria
Tonality F Major
Catalogue WAB 7
Instruments Voice (Alto)
Keyboard - organ, piano or harmonium
Autotranslations beta Anton Bruckner: Ave Maria en fa majeur, WAB 7
Anton Bruckner: Ave Maria in fa maggiore, WAB 7
Anton Bruckner: Ave Maria F-dur, WAB 7