The harpsichord concertos, BWV 1052–1065, are concertos for harpsichord, strings and continuo by Johann Sebastian Bach. There are seven complete concertos for a single harpsichord (BWV 1052–1058), three concertos for two harpsichords (BWV 1060–1062), two concertos for three harpsichords (BWV 1063 and 1064), and one concerto for four harpsichords (BWV 1065). Two other concertos include solo harpsichord parts: the concerto BWV 1044, which has solo parts for harpsichord, violin and flute, and Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D major, with the same scoring. In addition, there is a nine-bar concerto fragment for harpsichord (BWV 1059) which adds an oboe to the strings and continuo.

Date of composition 1738 (or before)
First published 1852 in Leipzig, Germany
Type Concerto
Tonality G Minor
Catalogue BWV 1058
Approx. duration 12 minutes
Instruments Harpsichord
String Orchestra
Autotranslations beta Jean-Sébastien Bach: Concerto pour clavecin n°7 en sol mineur, BWV 1058 "Keybord Concerto"
Johann Sebastian Bach: Concerto per clavicembalo n. 7 in sol minore, BWV 1058 "Keybord Concerto"
Johann Sebastian Bach: Konzert Nr. 7 für Cembalo g-moll, BWV 1058 "Keybord Concerto"