The cantata is based on a text by Erdmann Neumeister published in 1711. While at Weimar Bach set at least one other cantata text by this librettist; he also set others by the court poet Salomon Franck. The text cites Isaiah, related to the gospel, the parable of the Sower. The third movement is in the style of a sermon, combined with a litany by Martin Luther. The closing chorale is the eighth stanza of Lazarus Spengler's hymn "Durch Adams Fall ist ganz verderbt".

Librettist Erdmann Neumeister (Based on a text by Erdmann Neumeister)
Date of composition 1713 (1713-1714, unsure;) in Weimar, Germany
First published 1852 in Leipzig, Germany
Type Cantata
Tonality G Minor
Catalogue BWV 18
Approx. duration 15 minutes
Spoken language German
Instruments Voice (Soprano)
Voice (Tenor)
Voice (Bass)
2x Recorder
Autotranslations beta Jean-Sébastien Bach: Gleichwie der Regen und Schnee vom Himmel fällt en sol mineur, BWV 18 ""Just as the rain and snow fall from heaven""
Johann Sebastian Bach: Gleichwie der Regen und Schnee vom Himmel fällt in sol minore, BWV 18 ""Just as the rain and snow fall from heaven""
Johann Sebastian Bach: Gleichwie der Regen und Schnee vom Himmel fällt g-moll, BWV 18 ""Just as the rain and snow fall from heaven""