Scriabin's Piano Sonata No. 2 in G-sharp minor, (Op. 19, also titled Sonata-Fantasy) took five years for him to write. It was finally published in 1898, at the urging of his publisher. The piece is in two movements, with a style combining Chopin-like Romanticism with an impressionistic touch. The piece is widely appreciated and is one of Scriabin's more popular pieces.

Date of composition 1898 (1893-1898)
First published 1898
Type Sonata
Tonality G-sharp Minor
Catalogue Op. 19
Instruments Piano
Autotranslations beta Alexandre Scriabine: Sonate pour piano n°2 en sol dièse mineur, Op. 19
Aleksandr Nikolaevič Skrjabin: Sonata per pianoforte n. 2 in sol diesis minore, Op. 19
Alexander Nikolajewitsch Skrjabin: Sonate Nr. 2 für Klavier gis-moll, Op. 19