They are very different from the trio sonatas in the Italian manner (such as those of Corelli), where the harpsichord is only providing the role of a continuo bass. In Rameau's works, the harpsichord is at the heart of the ensemble, playing a fully written-out obbligato part with virtuosity, with the accompaniment falling to the violin and viola da gamba. Rameau provided for differing instrumental combinations: the flute can replace the violin and a second violin can replace the viola da gamba. It is possible to compare these works with the violin sonatas of Johann Sebastian Bach,[citation needed] written earlier, around 1720, in which the melodic material is shared equally between the violin and harpsichord and the harpsichord part is obbligato nearly throughout.

Date of composition 1741 (or before)
First published 1741 in Paris, France
Type Concert
Tonality B-flat Major
Approx. duration 11 minutes
Detail in: "Pièces de clavecin en Concerts"
Instruments Violin
Viola da gamba
Autotranslations beta Jean-Philippe Rameau: Concert n°4 en si bémol majeur "Quatrième Concert"
Jean-Philippe Rameau: Concert n. 4 in si bemolle maggiore "Quatrième Concert"
Jean-Philippe Rameau: Concert Nr. 4 B-dur "Quatrième Concert"